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Lies ("lyv" i hver sætning)

I am in New York in a cow's head.
I am still in New York in a cow's head.
I am still in New York in a cow's head.
Now I'm in New York in af flower.
I'm now in New York in a cow's head.
Now I'm in Spain taking af bath.
Now I'm in Spain taking a bath tub.
Now I'm in New England eating my friend in the bathroom.
Now I'm still in the bathroom eating my friend but I'm on a cow.
Now I'm in New York in a cow's head.


I am grass as green as can be.
I am in a tree on a leaf.
I am in New York on a flying blueberry.
Mud is pretty.
Rain is ugly.
I am on a vine.
I am snow in Spain.
I am rain in Spain.
I am the sun in Spain.
I am a cloud in Spain.
I am in Spain.
I am Spain.

- Marion Mackles, 4th grade, Public School 61
fra Kenneth Koch: Whishes, lies and dreams - Teaching children how to write poetry

Poems using spanish words

When they told me I was going to España
My corazón turned amarillo
I was in the plane
I could see the estrellas
It was so triste
Those stars were all alone
But it was beautiful
Because the noche blended in with them
I started reading a book called Mickey el Ratón
After I got to España I went to a rodeo
I saw a lot of caballos
They were just in red and looked like a manzana
I looked up at the cielo
It was going to rain
I saw the perro eating a guineo
Then I went to Argentina
I knew there was going to be muerte
So I went home
When I got home I didn´t say a palabra of what I had done
Anyway my heart was so red and sweet I named it a manzana.

- Ivette Perez, 6th grade, Public School 61
fra Kenneth Koch: Whishes, lies and dreams - Teaching children how to write poetry

Lædersvinets Kulturbibliotek 2

Gunnar Ekelöf: Virkelighedsflugt - En outsiders veje, prosa oversat, kommenteret og annoteret af Karsten Sand Iversen er næste udgivelse i Lædersvinets Kulturbibliotek. Bogen udkommer til februar og er på ca. 350 sider.

Piratoplæsning #8

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Piratoplæsning #8 afholdes fredag den 12. marts klokken 21.00
Valkendorfs Kollegium, Skt. Peders Stræde 14, 1453 Kbh. K.
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